Future File / Blog / Five Questions to Ask Your Estate Planner Regarding Your Will and Trust Documents

Five Questions to Ask Your Estate Planner Regarding Your Will and Trust Documents

Fail to prepare and prepare to fail. That’s why the Future File team always advocates using a trusted estate planning professional and attorney to give you sound legal advice and make sure that you do what’s required by law, such as having witnesses and getting the document notarized.

Here are 5 questions to ask your estate planning attorney:

  1. Do I need a trust?
  2. Should I add my loved ones names to certain property and what are the tax implications of doing so?
  3. What are the most tax-efficient strategies for passing on my assets?
  4. What are the state laws related to spouses and property where we live?
  5. I have children who are minors; what special provisions should I make?

For more information on what you should ask your estate planning attorney related to Wills and trusts, and to make sure that you have fully planned for when something happens to you or a loved one, consult the Future File system.