Once you have finished entering in your information into the software program, you will print out a Guidebook to leave behind for loved ones in case of an emergency or passing.
To do this, simply click on “Print Full Document” within the software’s “Print” section and from there, you will see a preview of the document. Click on the print icon towards the top right of the screen and use your printer settings as desired to print, as you would any document. Please note that this may take a few minutes to tee up.
Remember to file this document for your loved ones in the filing folder that you are using to store your other Future File system information or in another secure location, making sure to let your loved ones know how to access that location.
Your Future File Guidebook document can also be saved into a pdf format, if you’d prefer to have an electronic copy of your completed Future File saved to your computer, rather than or in addition to a hard copy print-out.
To do this, simply click on “Save as PDF File” from the “Print” section of your software and save a copy to the location on your computer or online where you would like for it to be stored.
Please remember that if you choose to store a copy on your computer or online in a “cloud” storage system, your document may not be secure, so take extra steps to protect it as it contains personal, sensitive information.